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Royal Moves Co. LLC
My mission is to inspire people through my designs to reach their true purpose in life. When I first started Royal Moves Co. it started from an idea. While I was working 60 plus hours at a job that took pure discipline to get through the day. I realize that in order to complete this job, I had to shut off social media, take myself away from distractions, and just put my full focus on completing my job. That year I made the most I ever made.
After achieving that, I felt good about myself, and it inspired me to come up with my first design, which was the chess piece design. If you notice the queen is slightly ahead of the king, because she's the kings most valuable piece. The queen represent discipline, because that's what you need to win and truly reach your purpose in life.
So, I want to inspire you to inspire others, by becoming a walking inspiration to everyone that's on a quest towards their true purpose in life.